anyone need to hire an artistic, mathematic, teaching extrovert?
Right in the middle of a job search...One of the weaknesses of my personality is that I can picture myself doing a ton of things (Maybe I just think too highly of myself.). So it's really tough for me to narrow down my goals and I'm finding my job search to be pretty overwhelming. I'm interviewing for a tutoring center Director position in New York and DC. They've asked me to come in town for my final in-person interview, but I must pay for my transportation. So I'm trying to decide if I really want this job before forking out airfare. Feeling out other opportunities in Knoxville, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Nasvhille. Would really appreciate all of your prayers. I need some serious direction right now. God has made very clear to me that the last few years, since my health has been significantly less and less an issue, that His will for me has been with my YoungLife guys. I have felt such a sense of purpose and have been privileged to be allowed to see the fruit of His work in several kids' lives. But now, as they graduate, I feel very strongly that He has another season around the corner for me. He has made clear that I need to make my finances a larger priority to tackle the debt I accrued while being sick. While I know that for the last few years, I was supposed to choose employment that allowed me to be flexible and available for such a time consuming volunteer ministry, God has something new for me. I am actually really excited about the opportunity and the change. I'm not trying to leave Knoxville. I am looking for jobs here too. I just need to be open to move wherever the opportunity arises, with the job market the way it is right now. I am really excited about the possibilities ahead and can't wait to see what He has in store.