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Help, I am stuck in a bad 80s movie: December 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

new year

I look back over all the entries I've written in here and it's funny
how many of them begin "Sorry it's been so long since my last
post/update." And I very well could start this one that way. If you
have talked to me at all in the last month you know how jam packed my
life has been. It has been so great the last couple of days to have
nothing on the agenda, and I really look forward to my next week off.
I really hope to manage my time better in the upcoming year...one of
my many new year's resolutions. So I'm gonna stop apologizing. If
you don't hear from me for a while on here, call me up or wait a
couple of weeks until I catch back up. I hope to write my "end of the
year" blog in the next couple of days. I get very introspective and
analytical at this time of the year.