For those faithful readers that I had, I deeply apologize for the lack of posts for the last two months. There are a couple of reason, other than my laziness. One was I was being interviewed for a reality show, that has now cut me, and they were reading my blog. So I didn't want to hurt my chances by talking about the process. I did get an email from another casting director this week asking me to make a video for another show. But the lack of posts for the last two months does not equal a lack of events in my life.
My health is great. The only issue I'm having is my skin starts to go crazy every time I try to completely come off of steroids. I saw a dermatologist here and he had no clue what was going on (reminded me of every doctor I visited after high school until two years ago). So other than that small issue, eosinophils are down and my immune system is back up and running, which I highly recommend.
I did interview for a reality show called the Island Project that will be on Fox. I made it through several interviews and then was told I wasn't "right for the show."
I got fired from my job at Lawler-Wood, which was quite a shock, to say the least. The job was a strictly office job, with no personal interaction, and all of you know how well I would be suited for that. I didn't enjoy it, but wasn't expecting to lose it. But, in typical fashion, the new door that opened was much better. I am now working full time for the tutoring business that Andy and I started two years ago. This is what I really wanted to do in the first place when we opened it, but circumstances such as my health did not allow. I just brought two other tutors on board and business is picking up. It's great to be doing something both that I'm good at and that I enjoy
I had a car accident last week...hydroplaned into the back of a truck...nothing I could do. I find out in the next couple of days if they are going to fix it or total it.
I turned 27 a few weeks ago. I went from being really confused about how I thought 27 should look and how different my life was from that and then embraced it. Had a high school kid tell me--and he did mean it as a compliment---that I was really cool for an old guy....Awesome.
And the biggest part of my life lately has been Younglife. I actually just got back a few mins ago from taking all my guys home after hanging out with them. I could just go on and on about it. It has been a really rewarding time as I have seen both my and my team's ministries taking off. I won't go into too many details, because I don't want to share details about individual guys, but some great things are happening. We were crazy excited to have around 80 kids at our first club, only to see it grow every week. Our best guess at last week was 120 kids (In a private (non-Christian) school that has just over 400 students). My campaigner (Younglife's word for Bible study, for the outsiders)group is meeting every week and I'm attempting to give them some words with some substance, which are followed by weekly matches of horse-ball on the pool table. 17 of my guys are signed up for weekend camp (I'm praying that they all get to go...tons of conflicts are coming up). I know that we shouldn't focus too much on numbers, but I'm a math guy, give me a break.
So I think that is the best summary I can come up with for the last two months of my life. I'm sure there are lots of things I'm leaving out, you all know I have a very selectively great memory. Hope to keep this updated once a week from this point on.