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Help, I am stuck in a bad 80s movie: In the swing of things

Thursday, August 26, 2004

In the swing of things

Well...the school year is underway. Younglife leadership weekend was this past weekend and was a great time. It was good to get away and not think about teaching or tutoring for a couple of days. It is great to not be actually IN class anymore. I got my degree, diploma, whatever you call it in the mail this week, so it is official.
Tuesday was a hilarious day...by the way, do you pronounce Tuesday like Toosday or like Tewsday. That has been the topic of way too many conversations in my house.
I was walking to class Tewsday (yes, this is where I stand on the debate) morning and I saw a girl steady trying to ride her bike up the Hill on UT's campus. If you aren't familiar with UT, the math building...of which my office is on the top floor of...is located at the top of a small mountain called the Hill. Well this girl looked as though it were about her third time to ever touch a bicycle. Now granted, I am no Lance Armstrong (who according to Jason , not only won 6 consecutive Tour de France's, but also landed on the moon), you can ask Andy who saw me struggle greatly with the rental bikes at Seaside.
But this girl was barely moving and the front wheel was quickly swinging from right to left as she tried to balance. It made me laugh and I went to class. On the way back from my first class, I spot my cycling friend once more, this time on the way down. This time however, gravity was working for her not against and she was going much faster than she would have liked. All of the sudden, she loses balance, well she never really had balance, but the bike goes one way and she goes flying off in the other direction with a very loud scream. I was a safe 30 yards away, so as soon as I saw that she was OK I lost it.
Next class...I am teaching at the front of a large lecture hall that has about a 1 1/2 foot platform at the front to teach from. A student walks up to turn his test in and instead of walking around to the side where the one step up is located, he tries to step up on the platform in the middle. AND he misses the platform and eats it. I tried not to, but I laughed.
Now it's Thursday and I did this instead of preparing the lecture for the class I teach in a few mins. Hopefully I'll be entertained once more.


At 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emmiet - One word Patton...Karma...EPT


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