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Help, I am stuck in a bad 80s movie: "caution: I took an ambien one our ago...I cannot and will not be held responsible for my words"

Friday, September 28, 2007

"caution: I took an ambien one our ago...I cannot and will not be held responsible for my words"

I remember when I got glasses for the first time.  I had no clue that I couldn't see well or couldn't see at all for that matter.  Went through my dahy thinking it was normal.  but I was having migrains and they thought eye strain might be the cause.  So at age 13 I put on the glasses. 
Leaves.  The first thing I saw was leaves.  I looked out through a tiny windown near the ceiling and could see a tree outside and the tree had individual leaves.  I formerly saw trees as fluffy green afros...not individual leaves that made up a tree.  I had no clue what I was missing.  I spent the greater part of the next month pulling my glasses down and looking over the top of them and quickly replacing them amazed at the difference.
Well.  Sitting in a hospital bed with tons of energy but lungs that won't let you use them, I put my glasses on today.  Not my real ones, but figurative ones.  I see some things so clearly now.  Not perfectly, but in comparison to my previous vision, I see a leaf.  one leaf...several one leaf's, not a blurr of leaves.  I see some clear parts of God's will, I see meaningful relationships, I see love, and hope, and brokenness around me, I see somone who needs to learn to love himself and someone who needs to think more highly of herself.  I see kids on the edge of something amazing and somehting dangerous and stupid and it's up to them what it becomes.  I see kids searching and kids trying so hard to hide that they are searching.  I see masks.  I see hurt with glimpses of hope and happiness. 
I see a place for me.  A nitch.  To be used as I was created.  Does it get any better than that?  If you think of somehting let me know, would love to experience that too.


At 1:08 AM , Blogger Moose Martini said...

Torry P,

I read between the ambien lines on this piece of writing and enjoyed it very much. Loved the leaves and glasses story. REALLY a great visual. (no pun intended.)
I hope you are feeling better and look forward tp speaking one day soon. You are in my prayers tonight, my friend.

Torry D

At 6:37 PM , Blogger Courtney said...

It gets a lot of flack, but I love Ambien

At 12:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally had the same experience when I got glasses in the 2nd grade.

Me: "I see LEAVES on the TREES!"
My mom, years later: "I felt like such a horrible mother at that moment."



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