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Help, I am stuck in a bad 80s movie: good news continues

Sunday, April 09, 2006

good news continues

Sorry for the lapse in updates. My eosinophil count has continued to improve. I feel excellent. I went to Houston a week ago and the doctor told me that since I had such a complete and quick response to this chemo, that he thinks if we play around with periods of on and off the medication that we could eventually be rid of the leukemia and not be on the chemo. So he wanted me to come off of it for a month. And one week later, the levels were still down. In fact, they were even lower.

Everything else is wonderful, except that I went to the mountains on Friday and got really sunburned. It was windy, so I didn't realize how much sun I was getting. I look like a redneck who spent the day at Talledega.

We got 5 new people on our Younglife team that I am really excited about.


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